Friday, June 24, 2016

Dreng: The Elemental Legion by Samay Gandhi [Sneak Peek!]

[The following is an excerpt from the novel]


Life. That is the last word of my book. To revive life. I look up, proud and feeling achieved by the fact that I had finished this book. It was the longest book I had read, and it made my family happy that I was studying my language. The book was an old one, handed down through the generations of our family, but eventually it reached my brother and I. My brother, obviously the less smart one of us, let me read it first. Before I get out of my room, I walk to the mirror. In the mirror, a young boy with black hair combed down the left side of his head stared back to me. 15 years of life grew on his face as stubble, and he was about 5’ 9”, just a tad bit shorter than his twin.

His eyes are eyes that are worn out and tired, yet still jubilous in a light way. The sparkling gleam of naughty mixed with calm genius in his eyes combined to a dark brown. According to the books, my appearance is apparently known as “Asian,” by old civilizations and books. As I walked out of my room and trudged down the stairs of my house, the floor creaked. I threw the book at Baron, who was sleeping on our hammock. “Umph,” He muttered as the book collided with his stomach. “What was that for?” He said groggily.

I laughed. the sun was already setting, and I was going to bring Baron inside to eat anyways. “Hey Dreng?”  He asked quietly.


"Why don’t you look behind yourself.” He said nervously.

“I’m not stupid Baron, let’s go in.”

“DRENG LISTEN TO ME!” He yelled with a tone of desperation.


The night became quiet. Baron didn’t make a noise. Wait. Baron wasn’t the re. He was gone. I turned quickly, ready for a fight. Instead, I saw Baron in our field. His muscular arms were stretched out, and his face was towards the sky. No. His face was staring at a red blur in the sky. Moments later, his black hair was flying in the air. He began to levitate, higher, higher, higher. What was happening? the red blur speed up to celestial speeds, and smashed into Baron. I screamed and ran towards Baron. He was already flying through the air. Instead, I look up. A yellow streak is coming towards me. I know I can’t run, so I sit. And I sit in a calm, meditative position. 3. 2. 1. It’s on me. I am levitating towards the thing. What is it? I don’t know. But when it sped up, it collided with me. And it hurt. A lot.



I awoke to my brother shaking me up. “Get up Dreng, let’s get home.” I groaned, I was 100% sure that I had broken something. I opened my eyes painfully. I looked at my brother. His hair was messy, and he had something different about his face. Was it the color of his hair? No. I knew what it was. His eyes were red. It didn’t scare me. It was just too fierce for his personality. I stared at my reflection in his eyes. Yellow? Yellow eyes? I looked like a bug!

“Dang it! Why did you get the cool eyes?”

Baron laughed. He’s still the same. Both of us must’ve grown a bit taller and a bit more muscular from when we got blasted. What was going on.

“Hey Dreng. Check this, I figured it out when you were asleep.”  He slowly held his newly muscular arms out and faced his palms at just an angle above the field. His body was enveloped in a red hue. It was kind of like one of those Star Wars force fields. He then tensed his core. Almost immediately, a blazing red flame came out of his hands, and he angled them differently. He could even spell his own name. I stood up. I must’ve gotten something too. “What are you doing to get the fire, Baron?”

“Just flex like you’re constipated,” He chuckled.

I forced for what felt like an hour. Nothing. This was ridiculous!

“Dreng. Let’s race home. It’s almost exactly 5 miles.”

“Sure!” I knew this would end badly though, since I had no idea how much Baron had grew. Baron started the countdown. Ready? Set. Go! He ran so fast that by the time I had started he was a good 50 feet ahead of me! My face was red and sweat poured down it. I jumped in frustration. Instead of going back down like on a normal day, I went up. The height of which I flew at was so magnificent it punched me directly in the windpipe. I could see my house, and a couple acres of land beyond it. Baron was easily moving around 40 miles an hour, and I just kept going higher. Instead of having my feet down and head up, I tried to awkwardly move my body at an angle towards our house. After a while of struggling, I eventually got to a position I felt was right. Baron had already gotten half way. It was only about 4 minutes until he would reach the house. As my body started to speed up, a faint yellow streak was getting produced. Faster and faster I kept going, until I was cloaked in a dark yellow. The wind was not affecting me, as it went past the yellow bubble.

Baron just looked up. He saw me, and I was getting very close to him. I kept going, and angled myself to the right of Baron. I slowly made myself parallel to the ground. I could hear my heartbeat, and slowly, I adjusted my actions to my quickly-paced heart. One second I was by Baron. The other, our house. However, I couldn’t stop. Electricity began forming around my body. There was nothing I could do.

Except one thing. Constipation. Not literally, of course, but I surged everything that I could muster in my core. Electricity bolts hit the ground in loud “BANGS,” but I kept moving.

Closer and closer to the forest I went. “WHAP, WHAP, WHAP!” My face was covered in splinters. I surged. Almost immediately, I halted to a stop. And I floated there. I dived right at my forcefield and cut straight through. However, I had forgot that I was suspended 100 feet above the forest.  Without knowing at first, I was now plunging towards the ground! For a second I was there, then the next second my back was slamming against the ground. “Oomph!” I yelled.
Baron came running towards me. “First is the worst!” He laughed, and stuck his tongue out. “Get up,” He said while reaching an arm out. “Oh, just be quiet Baron.” I said, annoyed.

“Don’t say that to me, Dreng.” Flames were in his hands.

“I can say that to you if I want, bro.” Electricity coursed through my body and sparks were flying through my hands.

Angry, he held his hands out and blasted two columns of fire at me. I glared at Baron. Using my hands, I slowly formed an electric-ball and threw it at him. “BLAM!” The noise shattered my ears. We went flying back for a while before I hit the ground, out cold…



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