Wednesday, June 22, 2016


In August of 2016, The Moon Is Closing Its Distance From The Earth!!!!
For millions of years, our moon has been in our sky. However, recent studies show that due to an extreme phenomenon change in our gravity, the moon will soon collide with the earth.

What is Happening?
In the past 27,000 years, the moon is traveling closer than ever before. Not only will the moon be in full visibility and full, it will also come 25,000 miles close to the earth. As it slows down, the earth’s gravity will change rapidly.
5 weeks after the moon comes close, it will slowly descend towards Earth.
Roman Licursi, a self-claimed astronomer, was asked if this was possible and a couple other questions. Based on the answers, we have concluded the following: He totally believes and claims that it’s a fact that the moon will collide with the earth. He believes that this is linked to the paranormal. “The amount of gravity,” he says, “Would allow cows to mutate and fly.”  He also claims that cows would grow extra heads, necessary for possible  brain damage to the original head that may be damaged in the collision.
Recently, Roman teamed up with Nasym Kushner. Nasym is the self proclaimed paranormal activist, claims that when the moon hits the earth, which is never going to happen, “Everybody is gonna die get crushed.” The reason he doesn’t think that mutations will happen is because the fact he doesn’t believe that Gamma Rays will hit the earth. He claims this is “Ridiculous,” while my expertise and research contradicts so.
Roman, however, doesn’t believe that and believes that mutations in animals are inevitable. Charlie Kraus teamed with Roman, and concluding the following. Charlie warns that during the collision, the world should expect several high magnitude earthquakes, multiple tsunamis, large amounts volcanic eruptions and mutated Chinchillas to run wild.
Charlie has also claimed that since the gravitational energy will be increasing, the ocean levels will be lowering and we will not be able to jump since the gravity will pull us down! Also, he claims that this will be an “Apocalypse,” which is believed to be an overstatement by Nasym. Due to things like mutations, Roman and the young Charlie Kraus believe that once mythical animals such as Werewolves and Dragons. Roman also accepts the possibility of SuperHumans, or in other words, mutated and quickly-evolved humans with supernatural abilities. “Moo,” He concludes our interview, “Is the last thing to be spoken on earth.”
And as we finally approach the end of my article, my expertise now allows me to conclude the fact that in August of 2016, our moon will collide with the earth. This will allow some major science breakthroughs. And yet this will be a Cow-Eat-Cow world for the next few months, I wish you all a good chance of surviving. May the cows be with you.

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