Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Skittles Commercial Script by Manisha, Ava, and Skye

Actor 1: Homeless Lady
Actor 2: Wealthy, greedy man
Actor 3: Kind and Helpful

Actor 1: (crouching down) I’m starving anything helps.
Actor 2:(Walks Past Actor 1 tossing skittles in the air.)  “Why would I want to give you anything?! You’re gross!”
Actor 3: Here you go.(Hands Actor 1 Skittles.) You need it more than i do.
Actor 1: Thank you. You have been very kind to me.
Actor 3: (walks away) I hope things turn out better for you.
Actor 1: ( Slowly eats skittles.) (Smiles and jumps in the air happily.) “I’m free of hunger!”
Actor 2: (walks up to begger frowning.)  Whatever. ( Huffs. Walks away.)
Actor 3: Hey wait. (Blocking Actor 2 path) Try some skittles.
Actor 2: (slowly puts it in his mouth. Jumps with joy.) These are amazing
Actor 1: (Joins other actors.)

Actors 1, 2, and 3: (all together) Skittles! Taste the Rainbow!

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